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Promote Your Involvement:

Share information about the Oregon Active Transportation Summit with your network using the following resources for your internal and external newsletters, event calendars, social media or other organization communications outlets. If you have questions or would like custom tools, please email

Ways to Promote the Conference

Event Calendars: Add the conference to your organization’s internal and external event calendars.
Social Media: Promote through company and personal social media channels.
Newsletters & Email: Announce the conference in your internal and external newsletters. We are also able to create a custom email graphic for your use, email us for your own!
Signature: Proudly display a Oregon Active Transportation Summit banner in your email signature.

About Oregon Active Transportation Summit – Move Oregon Forward:

At the Street Trust, we believe that everyone should have access to safe, affordable mobility regardless of their identity, zip code, income, role in society, or mode of transportation. This year’s Oregon Active Transportation Summit, Move Oregon Forward, will ground our community of advocates, organizers, professionals, and decision-makers in the shared belief that a better future is possible. Join us June 5-7 at the Leftbank Annex in Portland, OR.


The graphics on this page can be downloaded and used in your promotions of The Oregon Active Transportation Summit. View the full gallery here. To request a custom graphic, email

Sample Email Content

I’d like to invite you to join me at the Oregon Active Transportation Summit, May 15 – 17, 2024 at the Leftbank Annex in Portland, OR.
This year’s theme, Move Oregon Forward, will ground our community of advocates, organizers, professionals, and decision-makers in the shared belief that a better future is possible. You can expect a full schedule of fun and interesting activities, presentations, workshops, and field trips to bring attendees together to problem-solve and build community in real time.
Find out more and get your tickets at:
I hope to see you there!
(Your Email Signature)
Conference signature block (see above)

Newsletter Copy:

{Add your organization} is proud to support the 2024 Oregon Active Transportation Summit – Move Oregon Forward! The event will ground our community of advocates, organizers, professionals, and decision-makers in the shared belief that a better future is possible.
Join us June 5-7, 2024 at the Leftbank Annex in Portland, Oregon. Find out more and register today at

Social Media:

Below you will find sample verbiage to use for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Tag #OATS2024 and follow along with us at @TheStreetTrust.
Sample Twitter (X):

  • Excited to attend #OATS2024 – Move Oregon Forward – June 5-7 in Portland! Check out the program & get all the details at
  • Join me at #OATS2024 – Move Oregon Forward – June 5-7 in Portland to problem solve, learn, and grow in the shared belief that a better future is possible. Learn more at

Sample Facebook / LinkedIn/ Instagram Post:

  • Join me and a community of advocates, organizers, professionals, and decision-makers at #OATS2024 – Move Oregon Forward – June 5-7 in Portland. Together we will problem solve, learn, and grow in the shared belief that a better future is possible. Learn more at @thestreettrust